World Federation of Chinese School Libraries (hereinafter WFCSL), established in December 2010 by the Middle/Elementary School Committee of Jiangsu Librarian Association, Taiwan Teacher-Librarians’ Association, Hong Kong Teacher-Librarians’ Association, Macao Library & Information Management Association, Multi Edu-Cultural Exchange Organisation and other primary and secondary schools, is a cross-region and cross-border federation initiated by the academic organization of the library in the community. As of 2019, WFCSL consists of a total of ten member organisations (in no particular order): 

  • The Middle/Elementary School Committee of Jiangsu Librarian Association 
  • Taiwan Teacher-Librarians’ Association 
  • Shanxi Educational Technology Equipment Center 
  • Fujian Dushu Aid Association
  • Hong Kong Teacher-Librarians’ Association
  • Macao Library & Information Management Association
  • Reading Dreams Foundation Limited
  • Multi Edu-Cultural Exchange Organisation 
  • The Chen Yet-Sen Family Foundation (hereinafter CYSFF)
  • Ningbo Reading Association

The first and second World Chinese School Library Forum were held in Changzhou located in Jiangsu in December 2008 and near the banks of Sun Moon Lake of Nantou in Taiwan 2010 respectively. Initially, the Committee of the Forum and the president, succeeded by the person-in-charge of the host in the region concerned, is updated biannually. Mr. Zhang Zhenghe, the Panel of the Primary and Secondary School Working Committee of Jiangsu Librarian Association, has been the Secretary of the Committee. The Forum has been held annually since 2012 when necessary. The third and fourth were held in Taiyuan located in Shanxi in July 2012 and Fuzhou, Fujian in August 2013. The fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth were held in Hong Kong, Macau, Changsha in Hunan, Taiwan in 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2019 respectively. The ninth Forum will be held in Hong Kong in 2021.

Previous forums:

The 5th: July 2014-Hong Kong


The 7th: July 2017-Changsha


The 8th: July 2019-Taiwan
(Video highlights:

The 9th: July 2021-Hong Kong (video highlights)